Number of Drakes Supermarkets locations in Australia in 2025

Last updated on January 29, 2025

How many Drakes Supermarkets locations are there in Australia?

There are 78 Drakes Supermarkets locations in Australia as of January 29, 2025. The state and territory with the most number of Drakes Supermarkets locations in Australia is South Australia, with 56 locations, which is about 72% of all Drakes Supermarkets locations in Australia.


How can I download a list of Drakes Supermarkets locations in Australia into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 78 Drakes Supermarkets locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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States and Territories without any Drakes Supermarkets locations

These states and territories do not have any Drakes Supermarkets locations

  • New South Wales
  • Victoria
  • Australian Capital Territory
  • Western Australia
  • Tasmania
  • Northern Territory

There are 6 states and territories without Drakes Supermarkets locations in Australia

Cities with the most number of Drakes Supermarkets locations in Australia

City State / Territory Number of Locations
Gawler East South Australia 3
Wallaroo South Australia 3
Mount Barker South Australia 3
Findon South Australia 2
Penfield South Australia 2
Edinburgh North South Australia 2
Proserpine Queensland 2
Victor Harbor South Australia 1
Wayville South Australia 1
Woodcroft South Australia 1

Drakes Supermarkets vs competitors

Number of locations Number of States Number of cities
Drakes Supermarkets   vs   IGA 1,317 (+1,239 locations than Drakes Supermarkets) 8 (+6 states than Drakes Supermarkets) 1,155 (+1,087 cities than Drakes Supermarkets)
Drakes Supermarkets   vs   Woolworths Supermarkets 1,117 (+1,039 locations than Drakes Supermarkets) 8 (+6 states than Drakes Supermarkets) 974 (+906 cities than Drakes Supermarkets)
Drakes Supermarkets   vs   Coles Supermarkets 858 (+780 locations than Drakes Supermarkets) 8 (+6 states than Drakes Supermarkets) 769 (+701 cities than Drakes Supermarkets)
Drakes Supermarkets   vs   Aldi 599 (+521 locations than Drakes Supermarkets) 6 (+4 states than Drakes Supermarkets) 578 (+510 cities than Drakes Supermarkets)
Drakes Supermarkets   vs   FoodWorks 329 (+251 locations than Drakes Supermarkets) 7 (+5 states than Drakes Supermarkets) 309 (+241 cities than Drakes Supermarkets)

If you would like to get a detailed report comparing Drakes Supermarkets with any other company, please contact our sales team

Download the complete database of Drakes Supermarkets Locations in Australia

You can download the full list of Drakes Supermarkets locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City State / Territory Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
Drakes Mcdowall Shop 467/109 Beckett Road Mcdowall QLD 4053 (07) 3550 6000 -27.3803582 152.9901988 Shop 467/109 Beckett Road, Mcdowall, QLD, 4053 Australia 2025-01-29
Drakes Rochedale 549 Underwood Road Rochedale QLD 4123 (07) 3714 7000 -27.5968342 153.1249074 549 Underwood Road, Rochedale, QLD, 4123 Australia 2025-01-29
Drakes Calliope 2041 Dawson Highway Calliope QLD 4680 (07) 4975 9100 -23.997182 151.211516 2041 Dawson Highway, Calliope, QLD, 4680 Australia 2025-01-29
Drakes Pumicestone Pumicestone Village 1 Ardrossan Road Caboolture QLD 4510 (07) 5294 8100 -27.041045 152.99674 Pumicestone Village 1 Ardrossan Road, Caboolture, QLD, 4510 Australia 2025-01-29
Drakes Glenmore 309/315 Farm Street Norman Gardens QLD 4700 (07) 4923 4900 -23.333609 150.52024 309/315 Farm Street, Norman Gardens, QLD, 4700 Australia 2025-01-29
Drakes Lowood 55-61 Main Street Lowood QLD 4311 (07) 5425 9800 -27.460877 152.580184 55-61 Main Street, Lowood, QLD, 4311 Australia 2025-01-29
Drakes Winston Glades 259 Ash St Yamanto QLD 4305 (07) 3436 4900 -27.652657 152.76454 259 Ash St, Yamanto, QLD, 4305 Australia 2025-01-29
Drakes Emu Park Hill Street & Emu Park QLD 4710 (07) 4913 4000 -23.2569991 150.8276347 Hill Street &, Emu Park, QLD, 4710 Australia 2025-01-29
Drakes Parkinson Cnr Nottingham Road & Algester Road Parkinson QLD 4115 (07) 3711 0000 -27.6288353 153.0276963 Cnr Nottingham Road & Algester Road, Parkinson, QLD, 4115 Australia 2025-01-29
Drakes Sun Valley 85 Sun Valley Road Sun Valley QLD 4680 (07) 4977 9500 -23.8813149 151.2510097 85 Sun Valley Road, Sun Valley, QLD, 4680 Australia 2025-01-29

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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